WHO IS … ?

Click and read the “Rules” link, fans! Then email me your answer, and YOU could win the FREE WEEKLY PRIZE! -Rob!

Two Landmark weeks in a row, fans! Last week saw a DOUBLING of guesses from our previous week! And THIS WEEK, for the first time, our guessers PLUMMETED IN QUANTITY TO THE LEAST GUESSES EVER!

Guessers of note included previous winner Rossi Gnoll, with his guess “BALLS!” Previous winner, Ricky Sprague, who guessed, “THE APRIL FOOLL!” and added “The extra “L” is for “LOL”! And previous winner, John Desy said, “This guy is most certainly a dancer. He’s got the body and fashion sense that all dancers possess. Using the clues this time, I’m going to say he calls himself The Dancin’ Skinless Hot Ball Man…The Molten Ball Wonder…Assuming correctly that his secret identity is America’s Vice President, Dick Cheney. He calls himself, Bush’s Hot Ball Man. Dick and The Hot Balls?” And then, for some reason, he also added that this character must smell “like a jar full of Elizabeth Taylor’s toe nail clippings.”

And that’s ALL our guessers this week! So the winner is…PREVIOUS WINNER JOHN DESY! Congratulations, John! Not only are you a FANTASTIC WINNER, but you are the first TWO-TIME WINNER!

And for those of you who didn’t bother to make a guess this week…for shame!

Fans, do we have some updates for you this evening! First off, PREVIOUS WINNER AND THIS WEEK’S LUCKY WINNER, OUR FIRST TWO-TIME WINNER, JOHN DESY, wrote in to say, “I am filled with pride and a certain amount of confusion. You’ve claimed that I’m the first two time winner. I must confess that this is my first victory.” If you haven’t received and seen the quality of our exciting weekly prize yet, then it’s no wonder you’re still guessing, John!

Sean Messina wrote in after the announcement of this vigilante’s name, to guess: “Scalding hot balls – am I right?” And then boastfully made his guesses for next week: “Cincinnati bow tie? Richard Rod Johnson? Cousin of Long Hard Pole? ANALysis Man – he’ll give you an audit you’ll never forget? Missionary Man? Rim Job? Brother of Odd Job. Glorious Hole finder? Treasure hunter to the stars? Dracula?”

Keep guessing early, fans! It will insure you don’t win a prize!

SPIDER TWINS MINI-COMICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Go to merchandise page to learn more! You can BUY ONE OR ALL THREE (3) Spider Twins Mini Comics (“Pink,” “Blue,” and “Lilac”), PLUS FREE Creator’s Commentary CD!

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